Meagan Subers
Meagan Subers has been an integral part of Capitol Connection since 2009 and became co-owner in 2022. Mrs. Subers provides legislative outreach and issue advocacy services, in addition to advancing day-to-day activities through tracking legislation, attending stakeholder meetings and committee hearings, registering support or opposition for legislation and maintaining client relationships.
Mrs. Subers has been involved in legislative efforts to reform California’s workers’ compensation system and other legislation pertaining to the initiative process and the Political Reform Act in the State of California. Mrs. Subers also provides legislative support and advocacy for the California Professional
Firefighters, focused primarily on their sponsored bills and other pieces of legislation that may impact their members.
Working on behalf of California Health+Advocates and their 1,150 community clinics and health centers across California, Mrs. Subers helped secure much needed funding through the State budget to support graduate medical education programs and ensure that teaching health centers in California could continue to expand the physician workforce and increase access in underserved communities. Previously, through her work with MuniServices, Mrs. Subers also worked closely with the State Board of Equalization regarding the drafting of regulations and providing advocacy on legislation pertaining to local taxes including a multi-year effort to establish a point-of-sale system for collecting and remitting fees and taxes applicable to prepaid mobile telephony services.
Before coming to Capitol Connection, Mrs. Subers was a public relations and media consultant at Swanson Communications. Working primarily on statewide political races, issue campaigns and ballot measures, Mrs. Subers focused on grassroots outreach, media relations and coalition building for a variety of campaigns – such as Proposition 2 in 2008 – and advocacy clients such as the Education Coalition.
Mrs. Subers graduated from Arizona State University and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and is a member of the Institute of Governmental Advocates.

Doug Subers
Doug Subers joined Capitol Connection in 2017, bringing nearly a decade of experience advocating before the California Legislature, regulatory agencies, and the Governor’s Administration. Mr. Subers has represented clients on issues that include labor, fire service, emergency medical services, retirement, energy, climate change, occupational safety, emergency response and consumer privacy, among others. Mr. Subers has represented his clients before many policy committees in the California Legislature, providing testimony on the design of legislation and implementation of policies.
Most recently, Mr. Subers has advocated on issues relating to wages, hours and working conditions on behalf of the California Professional Firefighters. In this capacity, Mr. Subers has worked on key policies to protect the retirement security of California’s firefighters, protect access to the workers compensation system, and improve the operation of California’s emergency medical services system. CPF has enjoyed tremendous legislative success and continues to work to protect California’s more than 30,000 firefighters and emergency medical services personnel statewide.
Mr. Subers has also been active in working to strengthen the rights of other workers in California. On behalf of the California State University Employees Union, Capitol Connection has been working to improve the salary system to ensure non-faculty staff can earn a living wage. In addition, Mr. Subers has been representing clients on energy policy, environmental policy, consumer privacy policy, children technology rights, entertainment industry issues, and healthcare issues.
Prior to registering as a lobbyist, Mr. Subers provided public relations consulting. Subers developed and implemented diverse grassroots campaigns, developed media relations strategies and provided technical writing expertise. In this capacity, Mr. Subers led public affairs campaigns to educate and activate influencers on various policy proposals before state and local legislative bodies.
Mr. Subers holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Rutgers University and is a member of the Institute of Governmental Advocates. Mr. Subers lives in Sacramento with his wife, Meagan. In his free time, Mr. Subers spends time rooting for New York Jets and New York Knicks and being disappointed by both teams.

Alissa Yum
Alissa Yum joined Capitol Connection in 2019 and stepped into an advocacy role in 2022. Ms. Yum has had the privilege of representing clients across several industries, including higher education and the building and construction trades. In addition to providing advocacy and client relationship management services, she continues to advance day-to-day activities by monitoring committee hearings, tracking legislation, and drafting lobbying materials.
Ms. Yum previously worked at Apple, Inc. and Sierra Nevada Journeys, a science education non-profit organization where she taught science lessons to elementary school students in the Sacramento area. She also has prior experience with grassroots campaigning, congressional constituent services, and environmental advocacy, where her work focused on the effects of pesticides on California pollinators.
Ms. Yum holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science¬—Public Service and a minor degree in Insect Biology from UC Davis and completed an International Relations program at The London School of Economics and Political Science. She is a member of the Institute of Governmental Advocates. In her free time, Ms. Yum enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with her cat.